With the recent successful release of the LEGO movie it suddenly seems we can’t get enough of these pint sized humans. From LEGO based CV’s to Facebook pages containing travelling Lego men, here are some of our favorite ways LEGO is making a serious comeback on the World Wide Web.
The Legographer
In his series ‘The Legographer’, photographer Andrew Whyte documented the adventures of his LEGO protégé using his iPhone. For 365 consecutive days, the LEGO man travelled with Whyte, where he was posed scaling a fence, watching the sunrise, and playing tourist in London. Despite his size, his big adventures were expertly composed in photos – and are definitely one of a kind!
©Pictures : Andrew Whyte
The Lego Resume
Northwestern University student, Leah Bowman, made herself stand-out by creating a LEGO version of her resume and it’s just as cool as you may have imagined. Leah created a ‘build-an-intern’ Lego kit, complete with instructions highlighting her key skills and sent them to marketing agencies.
©Imgur Gallery
LEGO Travellers
Tourists love taking photos of themselves as they travel the world. Not Scottish couple Craig McCartney and Lindsey Haggerty, whose snapshots of their adventures have taken on a miniature form. The duo have built a large online following taking photos of their LEGO lookalikes in each of the 10 countries they have visited. ‘LEGO Travellers’ has more than 1000 likes on Facebook and their regular posts are followed by over 500 people on Instagram.
©Lego Travellers