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You are just a few clicks away from mastering new techniques…

We love that there are now so many different courses taking place in the Capital. Whether you are more into fashion, arts & crafts or photography, we have compiled a list of  websites for you to check that regularly host different events, workshops and courses.

Grab your diary and start to book in the dates.  You’ll thank us later….


APRIL 2017

3 April to 24 April 2017 | Adults | @THE CLUB ABU DHABI
Intermediate/Advanced Photography Course

3rd April classroom training 7-9pm
10th April classroom training 7-9pm
14th April practical session 7-9am
17th April classroom training 7-9pm
21st April practical session 7-9am
24th April classroom training 7-9pm
Cost : Photography Section Members 600 Dhs, Non-Section Club Members 670 Dhs, Non-Club Member 750 Dhs


5 April 2017 | 5pm – 8pm | Family | @WAREHOUSE421
The Fragrances and Memories of the UAE

Fragrance is an evanescent form of adornment that triggers the senses and memories. Perfume-making has a long history in the region and is a living art in the Emirates. Mona Haddad and her grandmother offer a very personal workshop, demonstrating how they create various forms of perfumes based on old family recipes. While discussing the ingredients and the alchemy of scents, they will also evoke the cultural memories that the fragrances inspire.
Instructor: Mona Haddad, Artist

Registration Process : Registration will open 1 week prior to this event.
Cost : Free of Charge


15 April 2017 | 2pm – 5pm | Teens and Adults | @Manarat Al Saadiyat
Sound Making – Sound Mixing

Inspired by artist Anri Sala, you will use sound to create your own aural compositions. Participants will mix, make, record, and sample their own sounds pieces. This workshop is led by a professional musician and /DJ specialist.
Registration Process : Prior booking is required for all workshops, call +971 2 657 5800 or e-mail manaratalsaadiyat@tcaabudhabi. ae
Cost : workshops have a materials fee charge of 50 AED per person, payable at Manarat Al Saadiyat before the start of the workshop.


18 April 2017 | 6pm – 8pm | Adults | @Manarat Al Saadiyat
Deconstructing Decollage

Jacques Villeglé was as a major artist in the post-World War II French art scene and is best known for his décollages made from ripped billboard posters found along the streets of Paris. Using his signature technique you will become an urban archaeologist and transform magazines, newspapers, and paint into adécollage.
Registration Process : Prior booking is required for all workshops, call +971 2 657 5800 or e-mail manaratalsaadiyat@tcaabudhabi. ae
Cost : workshops have a materials fee charge of 50 AED per person, payable at Manarat Al Saadiyat before the start of the workshop.


MAY 2017

3 May 2017 | 5pm – 8pm | Family | @WAREHOUSE421
The Evolution and Practice of Henna

The focus of this workshop will be the evolution of Henna designs through Emirati history. The workshop will start with a short history of the use of Henna with a particular focus on its relationship to line illustration and patterns. Participants will then be invited to make a simple hand model from alginate and plaster which they can then decorate with Henna to produce a finished piece.
Instructor: Ahmed Hasan Mohamed, Alumnus, SEAF
Registration Process : Registration will open 1 week prior to this event.
Cost : Free of Charge


17 May 2017 | 5pm – 8pm | Family | @WAREHOUSE421
Working with Textiles and Design

This workshop will offer a hands-on exploration of the patterns found on everyday objects. Geometric and vegetal patterns make up over 60% of the non-figural types of decoration used in Islamic art, and are also featured prominently on many household textiles.

Under the instructor’s guidance, workshop participants will be asked to identify patterns in fabric samples provided to them, or alternatively they can bring their own material that they would like to work with. Participants will learn how to extract a pattern and create a stencil, which will then be used to produce an abstract work using various materials.
Instructor: Tima Ouzden, Editor-in-Chief of Gazette, Alumna, SEAF
Registration Process : Registration will open 1 week prior to this event.
Cost : Free of Charge


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