Atlas OMY Poster


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London, Berlin, Tokyo, New York and San Francisco, which one will you pick?

Living here in the desert far from family and friends can be difficult for both the children and adults.

In a country where more than half of the population is expatriate, it can be useful to recreate some connection with the home country where the grandparents, cousins or friends may live.

That is exactly why we adore these posters designed by the label OMY for kids (and adults too).

They came up with the brilliant idea of designing huge XXL posters in black and white for kids to color. These posters either represent the main landmarks of a city, or country or then the entire Atlas itself for kids to map the world.

Impossible to find until now in Abu Dhabi, we decided to sell them in our eshop with their special felt pens to pair with.

It not only creates some social connectivity with the family living far away, but also adds a unique touch to a kid’s room or even at your office.

With warm temperatures more than half of the year, this is also a great activity for those months when the temperature prevents kids from playing outdoors. Psst, don’t tell them, but we heard teens also liked them a lot, especially the London and Tokyo map!!

Here are all the different cities and countries now available for you to shop.

Cities around the world available

Countries currently available


The different pens to grab along with


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