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Essential oils aren’t just for aromatherapy…
Every aspect of daily life can benefit from a few drops of oil, and Young Living offers the purest strains on the market. Here are three we’re currently exploring…
Any decent anti-ageing product is infused with frankincense because of its natural ability to slow the signs of ageing by protecting the skin cells. Young Living’s infusion is pure even to slather on the face to reduce wrinkles, tighten skin and leave you looking radiant. It’s great on muscle and joint aches, arthritis and inflammation, too. Use in the bath or in a diffuser to reduce heart rate and pressure in times of stress.
This one’s fantastic for maintaining a healthy digestive system. You could also rub some on an upset stomach or the neck for relief from headaches. We actually just whipped up our own chemical-free toothpaste using peppermint, sodium bicarbonate and coconut oil – and it works! Plus it just makes water taste ten times more refreshing.
Not the most pleasant to consume, but we are in awe of oregano’s natural antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic properties – it basically repairs any damage you have done (eg. On a night out). A couple drops under the tongue or in water will particularly keep your gut and digestive tract in excellent working order. It can also be used topically on any skin conditions or infections.
Check out Young Living’s full range of oils and blends via and be sure to read the fine print on each product for proper usage directions.

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