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Working out what to dress, wrap, or swaddle your newborn baby in can be confusing for new parents – especially in warmer climates like the UAE, where you worry about babies overheating.
So when we heard about the benefits of Merino Wool, we couldn’t wait to pass on the information.
When we mention the word ‘wool’, you may be visualising something thick, scratchy or itchy – but that couldn’t be further from the truth when it comes to Merino Wool. Not only is the natural fibre incredibly soft, silky, and lightweight, but it helps to create a temperature-controlled cocoon around your sleeping child. It can take up to a year for sleeping newborns to regulate their own temperature, so this can be very reassuring for new parents.
In fact, Merino Wool is so good at helping to regulate body temperature that it’s often selected by top athletes for long-distance running or cycling events. And since it is also static resistant, it picks up fewer dust particles and lint from the air, making it the ideal fabric for babies and children with allergies.
If it sounds appealing, we’re pleased to report that online Dubai company Bubs Boutique is now selling a range of Merino Wool clothes and sleeping apparel for babies in the UAE. Our highlights include the Sleeping Bag (450 AED each), Cocooi Swaddling Wraps (280 AED each), and Stretch and Grow Baby Grows (150 AED each). With stylish, simple designs in a choice of pink, blue, or neutral cream, we’re definitely going to be stocking up for our own little ones.
Merino Wool was found in Dubai on
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