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Nail a manicure at home with the spray can nail polish now in Abu Dhabi.

When it comes to applying nail polish on our hands we really do struggle. If you also find it hard to get a steady hand and apply perfect nail polish then we have news. The world’s first spray can nail polish is now available in Abu Dhabi.

Painting your nails with the spray can does not require any precision thanks to the revolutionary Paint Can. It is also the fastest way to get perfectly polished nails at home.

This new and never seen before technique applies polish evenly and efficiently in seconds and there is no steady hand required.

So how does it work? Apply a base coat and then shake the paint can and from a distance of 10-15 cm spray the polish directly on to the nail area. Don’t worry if you get it on your skin around the nails. Allow the polish to dry and then apply a top coat. Once the top coat is dry, wash your hands with soapy water or use a cleansing cloth to get rid of the extra polish on the skin.

Paint Can is quick, it reduces dry time and best of all requires no precision. We really have nailed the DIY manicure thanks to it!

Paint Can is available in 4 different colors for 60AED at Sephora online (free delivery from 350 AED)


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