fitness class in abu dhabi
fitness class in abu dhabi


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Have you tried everything to get fit and stay in shape? With the long hot summer and amazing food to choose from in Abu Dhabi it can be quite a challenge. This is where HUA Fitness comes in. Fit Studio is now offering HUA Fitness which is a boot camp style circuit training.

H.U.A (pronounced hoo-ah) is an old military radio transmission meaning heard, understand, acknowledged. The instructor, Eva Clarke is a personal trainer and fully qualified, military fitness leader. Eva mixes up each class so that you don’t get bored. Sometimes you will be doing boxing, spinning, an upper body workout with weights or cardio and legs.

With the upper body workout for example, you’ll kick
off with a quick warm up and then get into a circuit which is an endurance session incorporating exercises weight repetitions of barbell military press, bicep curl, upright row, bent over row. Then you’ll do a quick change to 20 repetitions of body weighted dips and 20 repetitions of push ups followed by various abdominal exercises such as 20 sit-ups , 20 toe touches, 20 v sits, 20 crunches, a 30 second lateral plank and prone hold totaling a 45 min challenging upper body and abdominal session.

This is a hard class but you will have a huge sense of achievement and Eva guides you through the class really well.

AED60 per class, Sunday 7:15pm, Monday 8:30pm and Tuesday 6pm
FIT Studio (next to Jones the Grocer) Muroor Rd
Tel: +9712 445 3395
photo credit©Fitstudio

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