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Have you ever noticed waiters in downtown crossing streets carrying disposable tea cups to shop retailers? This everyday activity is a charming old habit part of the cities tradition.
‘Chai Tea’ is a spicy milk tea drink originating from India and Pakistan. A warm and soothing drink, it is definitely one that is hard to resist.
What is ‘Chai Tea’ made of exactly?
Usually, ‘Chai Tea’ is prepared with black tea, bruised cardamom pods, chopped fresh ginger, milk, raw honey or sugar that is necessary to bring out the spices and give sweetness to the drink.
How is ‘Chai Tea’ prepared?
If you are planning to cook an Indian dinner one of these days at home, and would like to prepare your own ‘Chai Tea’, just have a look at this brilliant – as usual – Leaf TV video.
We told you, we are addicted!
© Picture : Leaf TV

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