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WomanSpace is Trying to Make Menstruation Less Icky and More Pretty
First fact about what we call ‘that time of the month’: It’s pretty uncomfortable. Second Fact: The tools that have been invented to help us deal with it – disposable pads and tampons – are simply not good for the body, and actually don’t make us feel any more comfortable.
They’re full of harmful plastics and petrochemicals, made with synthetic fibres, wood pulp, some weird absorbent gel, and even your everyday liners come with artificial fragrances and even glue!
Do we really want to bring all that near our womanhood? It’s already such a sensitive part of our bodies to begin with.
The answer to that is ‘No’, says WomanSpace founder and Rose Pads pioneer, Vanessa Woodthorpe-Wright, who has been trying to make menstruation great again right here in the UAE. Believe it or not, ladies, a history of bleeding says that it is a sign of female empowerment, one that should be celebrated, not hated, and the period comes with a wave of hidden benefits.
We braved a month on her funky, cleverly designed Rose Pads, handmade with 100% cotton, completely chemical-free, breathable, waterproof and highly absorbent, and lived to tell the remarkable tale.
Knowing we’re ones to harbour a heavier-than-normal flow, we were pretty terrified to not use them without a tampon as well the first day. But we needn’t have bothered; these cloth pads – which come in a variety of fun styles, sizes, and levels of thickness – are tougher than they look.
Not to mention you don’t have to deal with sticky, pokey wings anymore – these come built with a handy snap button and fit underwear perfectly (there are even ones for thongs). Furthermore, the design and snap button also make them able to be discreetly folded up and thrown into your purse on the go.
The only thing you’ll now need to get used to is immediately dunking them under the tap for quick washes before another major machine wash. And being mindful of keeping it chemical-free by using safe soap brands like Ecover. But the kit comes with thorough care instructions to guide you through it.
Rather than just throwing away a pad after a quick change, you’re now spending a lot more time up close with your period, but at the same time, immensely decreasing your health risks AND your carbon footprint (a woman can use up to 17,000 pads/tampons in her lifetime, and each one can take between 500-800 years to biodegrade!).
For us, it’s worth it – we’re are officially converted.
Priced from 35 AED each (you only need about 10 ever, it’s an investment!), get yours now at
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