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Our favorite homemade fruity infused water recipes
Temperatures have been rising quickly these past days and it makes it even more relevant to recommend drinking more water to stay hydrated.
For those who don’t like the taste of water and are addicted to artificial sugared drinks, we dug out some ideas and recipes to show you how to add flavor to a simple glass of water that will impress guests and help you get rid of bad habits.
Here are different flavor combinations that grabbed our attention and are amongst our top 3 favorites:
The strawberry and cantaloupe refresher
Cut cantaloupes in long wedges (4 pieces per serving), cut strawberries in half (12 pieces per serving). Mix the fruits with water and ice in a jar and let the mixture infuse in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
©Picture : Fruitinfusedwater
The raspberry-lemon-mint water
Mix a cup of raspberries with 25 leaves of mint, a sliced lemon in a pitcher filled with water and let it chill overnight. Impress family and guest with this red water and enjoy!
©Picture : Le Zoe Musings
The green detox water: cucumber, mint, lime and water
As cucumbers are full of great nutrients such as vitamins C, A, K, iron, potassium and calcium, this healthy and refreshing drink will benefit your skin. It can also help you for detox as cucumbers prevent from water retention and have anti-inflammatory properties.
If you can’t resist the natural sweet taste, then, you can also add overripe kiwis to your mixture.