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A new app and fitness service that allows you to exercise from the comfort of your home

You probably have not gone through 2015 without reading or hearing about Kayla Itnises as she is everywhere on social media from Instagram, Facebook to magazines and now iTunes after recently launching a brand new app called Sweat with Kayla in December 2015.

Who is she? A young 24 year old Australian who has millions of followers on Facebook and Instagram in addition to a YouTube channel and an app. Passionate about fitness and cardio, this fitness trainer created a buzz worldwide these past years with her Bikini Body Guide (BBG).

Following the 2016 resolutions (yes we did… ), we gave a go to her new app that is now available to purchase on iTunes. There is actually a first week trial and then the monthly subscription costs $19.99 with a minimum subscription of 12 weeks. It ends up costing you about $5 a week which is great compared to the average cost of any group session in Abu Dhabi.

How the fitness program works:

The idea is to train 6 days a week with 3 Resistance sessions (28-minutes workouts each), 3 Liss (Low Intensity Steady State which is usually 45 minutes minimum of walk, bike ride…), a 30-minutes Rehabilitation program and 1 day of rest.

The Resistance sessions propose you to work on legs only, arms and abs or full body and each session lasts 28 minutes with 2 circuits of 7 minutes each to do with a 30-seconds pause in between each circuit. For each circuit, there is a mix of 4 different exercises to do, both explained with words and pictures which actually is helpful especially to check the posture. The stopwatch also helps stay on track (which can be quite hectic during the initial days).

A couple of exercises require some specific equipment such as a foam roller (purchased at Go Sport Yas Island) and ball.

The app is also quite smart and allows no room for cheating or having you stick to your favourite exercises only.


The Plus Side :

We liked the balance between the resistance exercises that you can plan last minute, which is a luxury if your days are quite busy and the Liss exercises that make you go out and meet other people. These 3 Liss sessions make you schedule group sessions or visit the gym or enjoy a ride or walk with the whole family so that you don’t feel disconnected.

The app is not only about exercises but also proposes daily menus – breakfast, morning and afternoon snacks, lunch and dinner – with detailed recipes (vegan and vegetarian options available) and a weekly grocery list which is quite handy if you lack ideas and want to switch to a healthier diet.

The program also registers your progress (weight-loss etc), starts with a beginner cycle for the newbies and evolves throughout the weeks with new challenges and goals to achieve. There is also a selfie before/after option to check how your body contours are changing week after week. We told you she is a social media guru!


The Not So Positive Side:

The app is worth it if you start Kayla Itsines program from scratch but seems to be quite expensive for those who already purchased her Bikini Body Guides.

We observed few bugs in December 2015 after the launch of the app but it seems to get better now.

As any online or home coaching program, you must be very focused on your posture to avoid any back pain. Ask a friend or your companion to join so that you may practice together and check how well you are doing.



An overall satisfying purchase and experience that gives a lot of freedom to organize sessions between your tight schedule, requires a short workout commitment from your home and includes useful healthy eating tips.


Sweat with Kayla App

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