The good carbs you should eat


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The 6 carbohydrates you should be eating

There’s a common misconception that carbohydrates make you fat. Sure, if eaten in unnecessarily large quantities they could contribute to weight gain, but, then again, so could too much of any food.

The truth is carbohydrates are a healthy addition to your diet and they’re essential fuel for our bodies and brains, especially when participating in any kind of physical activity. Our bodies also need good carbs to help regulate our mood and to keep our intestines moving.

Here are the ones you should be eating…

Whole-Wheat Pasta
Because sometimes you just need pasta and whole-wheat kinds offer two to three times more fiber than refined white varieties but they’re just as versatile and delicious.

A delicately flavored whole grain, Quinoa provides some fiber (2 grams per half cup) and a good amount of protein (4 grams). Research shows protein can help you feel full for longer. Rinsing quinoa before cooking will remove any residue of saponin, its natural bitter protective coating.

Barley is available “pearled” (the bran has been removed) or “quick-cooking” (parboiled). While both contain soluble fiber that helps keep blood cholesterol levels healthy, pearl barley has a little more.

Bulgur is cracked wheat that’s been parboiled so it simply needs to soak in hot water for most uses – making it a perfect low-maintenance grain. It’s also a good source of feel-full fiber; just 1/2 cup delivers 5 grams.

Wheat Berries
Wheat Berries are the whole, unprocessed kernels of wheat. They’re terrific sources of B vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc and fiber.

Popcorn satisfies a snack craving and yes, it’s a whole grain. Three cups of popped popcorn (what you get by popping 1 heaping tablespoon of kernels) equals one of your three recommended daily servings of whole grains and contains 3 grams of fiber.

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